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There’s more to Bass Lake than bass. The lake boasts a surprising variety of species, as well as a unique mix of terrain and tradition.

Less than two miles long and mile at its widest, Big Lake is, well, actually quite small.

A shallow, reedy, but surprisingly extensive lake located between Kagawong and Gore Bay.

Lake, Huron, the second-largest Great Lake, defines Manitoulin Island. After all, if you’re the largest Island in the world in fresh water, you need that fresh water. 

Kagawong is a sprawling, unusually shaped lake. Unlike the Island’s other large lakes, this one drains into the North Channel. 

The largest lake within a fresh water island in the world, with 90 miles of shoreline and depths of up to 162 feet, Lake Manitou is a sublime, nearly unfathomable sprawl of blue.

On a satellite map of Manitoulin Island, Lake Mindemoya leaps out immediately: it is a startling turquois hue amid the darker tones of the other lakes.

Perhaps the most striking thing about Lake Wolsey is that it is not, properly speaking, a lake at all.

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About five kilometres shy of Meldrum Bay, Manitoulin’s westernmost community, a sign appears on the south side of Highway 540 saying “Lily Lake.” 

Little Lake Huron is so small that most maps don’t even show it, let alone name it and so shallow in most places that you’d be hard pressed to sink a pedal boat.

The North Channel is defined by Manitoulin Island: this famous waterway is, similar to Georgian Bay, a part of Lake Huron but if there was no Manitoulin Island, there would be no North Channel.

A deep triangular lake at the foot of the bluff that culminates in the Cup and Saucer Trails, you’d think that Otter Lake would be hard to miss. But it’s really more of a mystery.

Small, remote, and steeped in mystery, Quanja Lake in the Wiikwemkoong Unceded Territory is a spot rarely visited, in part because it is hard to find, but also because of its reputation as a haven for powerful spirits.

Visitors enroute from Gore Bay to Meldrum Bay driving along Highway 540 west, when they reach the hamlet of Silver Water might be puzzled over the village’s curious absence of silver water.

South Bay is the large bay with a fairly narrow opening to the “Big Water” and so it is to Lake Huron what Lake Wolsey is to the North Channel: each “lakelike bays”.

With its unfortunate name and confusing status, Sucker Lake tends to discourage visitation. This is a shame, for Sucker Lake is an idyllic, peaceful spot.

Its name presumably derives from an area of blown down trees that once distinguished its shore (or maybe it was just one fallen tree that tripped up a surveyor?), but the other meaning of the word seems suitable too.