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There’s more to Bass Lake than bass. The lake boasts a surprising variety of species, as well as a unique mix of terrain and tradition.

Less than two miles long and mile at its widest, Big Lake is, well, actually quite small.

A shallow, reedy, but surprisingly extensive lake located between Kagawong and Gore Bay.

Lake, Huron, the second-largest Great Lake, defines Manitoulin Island. After all, if you’re the largest Island in the world in fresh water, you need that fresh water. 

Kagawong is a sprawling, unusually shaped lake. Unlike the Island’s other large lakes, this one drains into the North Channel. 

The largest lake within a fresh water island in the world, with 90 miles of shoreline and depths of up to 162 feet, Lake Manitou is a sublime, nearly unfathomable sprawl of blue.

On a satellite map of Manitoulin Island, Lake Mindemoya leaps out immediately: it is a startling turquois hue amid the darker tones of the other lakes.

Perhaps the most striking thing about Lake Wolsey is that it is not, properly speaking, a lake at all.

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